Our Training Programs

Looking for lasting effects and want to improve communication, collaboration and train your leaders in a fun, dynamic way? Perhaps we can help out. A Bravely program always includes before and after care - to ensure behaviour change and integrate learnings in your day to day work.

Communicate with Impact

For everyone who wants to improve communication, collaboration & relationships
  • Effective communication towards clients as well as colleagues
  • Setting boundaries in a healthy, professional way
  • Gain confidence and be more flexible in all kinds of conversations and situations
  • Build relationships based on mutual trust
  • Deal with your personal triggers and allergies in communication

Leading Bravely

For any leader in need of a very practical leadership program.
  • Insight into leadership styles and your personal leadership qualities
  • Boost your impact in your team and company
  • Stronger skills to motivate your team (remotely)
  • Developed communication skills to handle conflict and challenging conversations
  • Tips and tricks on building a high performing team
Most Popular

Custom Course

Ready to get even more out of your team? Get in touch for an advanced and/or tailor made program:

Case Study
Download our flyer for the Bynder Leadership Academy below. We've been running this program for 5+ years and trained over 1000 tech leaders across the globe. If you're interested in joining, please request more info here.

time span: +/- 1 to 3 months
Price: Starting at €450 per learner
group size: max 9 learners per group
Face to face, remote or hybrid

Leading Bravely

  • Usually two full (or 4 half) training days with a Psychologist-trainer and actor: actionable & practical
  • Follow your Bravely E-learning modules for preparation, allowing us to assess learning needs and go more in depth during the training
  • Explore models, guidelines, theories around leadership and communication (Leary's Rose, Ofman, Emotion/Performance, BPNT, Authentic and Situational Leadership etc.)
  • Practice challenging feedback talks, 1:1's, growth talks and bad news conversations with a training actor - and identify your own triggers
  • Optional: a 2 hour follow up/intervision session after the training to make learning stick
  • Optional: additional 1 on 1 coaching for more personal reflection and learning
Time span: +/- 1 month
price: Starting at €165 per learner
group size: 9 learners (option of planning multiple practice groups)
Face to face, remote or hybrid

Communicate with Impact

  • Including live workshops with Psychologist-trainer
  • Personal practice session with skilled training actor to enable behaviour change
  • Bite size, practical e-learning content for preparation
  • A clear structure and language to be used in conversations and situations on company/team and personal level
  • Optional: (digital) intervision sessions to follow up on course learnings - a peer to peer learning method
  • Optional: 1-on-1 coaching for dealing with personal obstacles and boost professional and personal growth

I found the program very insightful, it taught me loads about communication skills and strategies as well as bringing our team closer together.

Ger Krijnen - Team Lead at Datasnipper

Custom course

Many clients request a custom course, tailor made just for you. Every company is different, and so is every team. Do you need support on a different matter? Or a mix of the programs mentioned above? Let us know. We love a challenge.

Example programs we facilitated for companies like yours:

  • Courageous Feedback Program
  • Leadership Offsites for founders and executives
  • Hybrid Working and Hybrid Leadership
  • Team Dynamics and/or Mediation
  • Cultural Awareness & Collaboration

Looking for short sessions?